What is a Phyllodes tumor?

A phyllodes tumor develops in the connective tissue of the breast. This type of tumor is usually fast-growing but hardly ever spreads beyond the breast.   

It is often difficult to diagnose, as it is rare and closely resembles a fibroadenoma. Most phyllodes tumors are benign; only a fairly small portion is borderline or malignant. Phyllodes tumors are characterized by rapid growth in many cases and a tendency to return.  

More information about phyllodes tumors

The treatment of phyllodes tumors

Treatment always involves surgical removal of the tumor. Breast-conserving removal is often possible, but in some cases the entire breast needs to be removed. It is important for the tumor resection margins to be clean, in order to reduce the risk of the tumor returning. There is no need to remove any lymph nodes.  

Adjuvant radiotherapy is necessary in some cases, for example if the margins are not clean or the tumor has returned. Phyllodes tumors do not respond to chemotherapy, which is why this is only given in exceptional cases. An example of an exceptional case would be if there are metastases.  

More about treatment of Phyllodes

Dutch Phyllodes Group

Dutch Phyllodes Group is the most prominent patients’ organization in the Netherlands for phyllodes tumor patients and ex-patients. The volunteers are highly dedicated, as many of them are patients or close relatives of a patient themselves. Their expertise is based on experience, and they know what issues patients face.   

Dutch Phyllodes Group volunteers provide reliable information and can advise patients and their relatives. They maintain close contact with specialists and researchers in the Netherlands and elsewhere. They keep up to date with the latest developments in phyllodes tumor diagnosis and treatment.

More about Patient Group Phyllodes
Mature,Woman,Discussing Phyllodes tumor

Sarcoma Patient Platform

Sarcoma Patient Platform is the umbrella organization in the Netherlands for patients with a sarcoma or borderline tumor. As these conditions are rare and still relatively unfamiliar, Sarcoma Patient Platform is committed to informing patients and their close relatives, enabling patients to contact fellow sufferers – which is incredibly important – and representing their interests.   

We collaborate closely with centers of expertise (specialist hospitals) and sarcoma and cancer organizations in the Netherlands and elsewhere, with the aim of further improving the diagnosis and treatment of sarcoma.

More about Patient Platform Sarcoma (NL)


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